40 Weeks to Forever

Attachment- Bond, Boundaries, & Bringing Up Baby

Episode Summary

How is it that we have the ability to love someone so fiercely that we’ve never even met? Once a child comes into your life; they have a way of stealing your heart. In this episode 40 Weeks to Forever podcast, Dr. Tanya Cotler walks us through the importance of rupture and repair, trusting your intuition, and how to create a warm, loving, and healthy bond with your babe.

Episode Notes

About our Guest 
Dr. Tanya Cotler is a Clinical Psychologist, author, and speaker who specializes in reproductive mental health, infant mental health, and parent-child attachment. 
Through nearly 20 years of clinical and research experience, Dr. Cotler has honed her particular interest in the emotional bond between parent and child – including how it is formed and the role it plays in lifelong capacities for emotion regulation, empathy, and social-emotional development.


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