40 Weeks to Forever

Delivery, Doulas and Diapers [for Mom]

Episode Summary

Helping you navigate parenthood with confidence. Doula, Rhiannon Langford joins Judith to chat about how to advocate for yourself during the labour and delivery process. Rhiannon puts parents-to-be at ease with her advice on how to let go of pre-birth fears and shares practical ways to talk to your care providers about your wants, needs, and desires as a birthing person. We chat about evidence-based birth, how to work through fear and anxiety, and we even dig in on the challenges of caesarean recovery and the 4th trimester.

Episode Notes

Doula, Rhiannon Langford joins Judith to chat about how to advocate for yourself during the labour and delivery process. Rhiannon puts parents-to-be at ease with her advice on how to let go of pre-birth fears and shares practical ways to talk to your care providers about your wants, needs, and desires as a birthing person. We chat about evidence-based birth, how to work through fear and anxiety, and we even dig in on the challenges of caesarean recovery and the 4th trimester.

0:40 - Mom Montage | moms share about their labour and delivery fears
1:56 – The difference between a midwife, doula, and an OB
4:10 – Things to ask or to look for when searching for a doula
6:14 – How to prepare for the unknowns of labour and delivery
9:15 – How to advocate for yourself as a birthing person
12:48- How to communicate with your care providers  by using the acronym “B-R-A-I-N" 
15:57 – Why having a postpartum plan is just as important as your birth plan
17:58 – How a postpartum doula can help your family transition to parenthood 
20:16 – Judith reflects on her caesarean recovery and  first few weeks of motherhood
20:58 – Rhiannon and Judith discuss “redemption births” and how to help couples overcome birthing fears
23:14 – How to use fear release exercises to prepare for birth
25:37 – Judith reflects on how reviewing birthing notes after a traumatic birth experience can bring healing 
26:08 – Rhiannon shares how it feels to be on the other side of the aisle now that she is expecting 
27:56 - Confidence Corner | Haleigh shares her top product picks for the fourth trimester 

About our guest

Rhiannon Langford is also known as the Birth Boss. She is a birth and postpartum doula, fertility coach, and maternal mental health advocate. She has a passion for helping growing families feel empowered on their journey to parenthood.

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@birthbossco | thebirthboss.com
@snugglebugzbaby | snugglebugz.ca
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