40 Weeks to Forever

Organizing Your Home For Baby

Episode Summary

Decluttering is essential in any household, especially for parents who have kids on the way. You need a system in place so that you can focus on taking care of and enjoying your time with your baby instead of feeling overwhelmed by our messy surroundings. In this episode of 40 Weeks to Forever, Megan Golightly shares how you can get started on clearing out your spaces as you welcome your little ones. She also talks about the psychology of decluttering and how you can organize the nursery and all your baby items for maximum efficiency. If you want to find out how to clear out your home to prepare for the birth of your baby, then this episode is for you! Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode: 1) Find out how to declutter your home for the new baby. 2) Learn about the psychology of decluttering. 3) Discover mindset shifts and tricks to make house cleaning and organizing easier.

Episode Notes

Episode Highlights

[01:30] Getting Started with Decluttering

Megan: “My big advice would be: don’t get in your own way. When you’re ready, you’re ready, but don’t be your own enemy. Get after it, and do it right, and just address the issue, which is usually clutter.”

[08:54] How to Store Important Documents

[11:20] Systems in Diaper Changing and Closet Organizing

[17:16] How to Organize Baby Clothing

[24:51] Why It’s Hard to Let Go of Things

Megan: “Sometimes you hear your parents’ voices too, and they were raised a certain way. It’s so ingrained in us, so we almost want to protect them by hanging on to things. But you need to realize you’re your own person, and you are allowed to live the way you want to live, not out of guilt or shame.”

[29:56] Instilling Good Cleaning Habits in Your Kids

[31:44] Toy Rotation

Megan: “Remember that things need to earn the right to be in your lives, whether they're people, whether it's feelings, whether it's friends, whether it's toys. And, it needs to be there for a reason, not just because it showed up in a box and someone gave it to you, and so you feel guilty and you need to keep it.”

About Megan

Megan Golightly is a professional organizer and the Founder of Simplified. Megan believes that if your life is simplified and decluttered, then you can then enjoy the small moments. 

Megan’s interest in home organization has evolved from a lifelong fascination with how our brains work. She has a degree in psychology and an ongoing interest in neuroscience.

If you want to know more about Megan and her work, you can connect with her on her website or on Instagram.


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